About Us

About Tera Gardner, CLC  and  LOVE911 Communication Coaching

Since 1992,  I have been a leader in the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) community in San Diego. I have facilitated NVC workshops and on-going courses for organizations and businesses, held on-going NVC practice groups and I have coached private clients in communications and relationship building using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) techniques. As  a communications and personal development professor for the San Diego Community College District for more than two decades, the transition into my own Relationship Communications Coaching business was a natural step for me. In 2006, I became  certified as a Life Coach and also began to specialize in relationship "addiction" re-patterning in addition to offering my NVC skills.   I have also had extensive training in RC- Re-Evaluation Counseling, Byron Katie's The Work, Gestalt Therapies, Landmark Forum and NLP -Neuro Linguistic Programming. I include an eclectic, unique blend of all these modalities when teaching and working privately with clients.

Tera's Personal and Professional Mission Statement

In my life and in my work, I am motivated by my deep desire for peace. Applying the tools and consciousness of NVC is one way to live this desire. My vision of a world where needs are met peacefully though self- responsibility, respect, empathy, and honesty, motivates me and fuels my on-going journey of peace-making.  I've made a personal choice to live compassionately, returning to compassionate living when I miss the mark and supporting others who wish to live compassionately in the world as well.  

I value the practice of using my awareness of "the living energy of needs" in understanding what guides human behavior.  In living this perspective, I seek to check-in with my clients often to clarify that our strategies are honoring their  needs.

 I honor the freedom of everyone to contribute as much or as little time or energy to our work together as they feel called to, in integrity with their feelings and needs and the demands of  their busy lives. 

About Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

Nonviolent Communication is a method of communication that generates from consciousness that helps us connect to one another at the heart level. The terms Nonviolent Communication, NVC, and Compassionate or Empathic Communication are used interchangeably to describe this method. NVC begins by assuming that we are all compassionate by nature and that violent strategies-whether verbal or physical- are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. NVC also assumes that we all share the same basic human needs and that each of our actions are a strategy to meet one or more of these needs. People who practice NVC have found great authenticity in their communication, increased understanding, deepening connection and peace through conflict resolution. NVC was developed by Marshall Rosenberg and is currently practiced in over 60 countries worldwide. More information about Nonviolent Communication and Dr. Rosenberg can be found at the Center for Nonviolent Communication . www.cnvc.org